Donate from anywhere in the world via Google

Google has now set up a donation box on their Crisis Response page. You can donate from anywhere in the world, and all proceeds go to the Japanese Red Cross Society. However, all donations must be in the Japanese Yen.

The Donation Section (screen capture):

Japanese volcano erupts

Source: Times Live

A volcano in southwestern Japan erupted Sunday after nearly two weeks of relative silence, sending ash and rocks up to four kilometres (two and a half miles) into the air, a local official says.

Video: Tsunami hitting countryside

Update: Threat of Nuclear Meltdown

Source: Yahoo! News
IWAKI, Japan – Cooling systems failed at another nuclear reactor on Japan's devastated coast Sunday, hours after an explosion at a nearby unit made leaking radiation, or even outright meltdown, the central threat to the country following a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami.
The Japanese government said radiation emanating from the plant appeared to have decreased after Saturday's blast, which produced a cloud of white smoke that obscured the complex. But the danger was grave enough that officials pumped seawater into the reactor to avoid disaster and moved 170,000 people from the area.

More ways to help (updated)

Network for Good has updated their website with more ways to donate to earthquake/tsunami relief, this time including Doctors Without Borders and Mercy Corps.

Japan's coastline and earth's axis altered, days are shorter

Friday's earthquake, which was 8.9 on the Richter scale, was so powerful that it moved Japan's main island, Honshu, 2.5 meters (8 feet) and shifted the world's axis by atleast 8 centimeters (4 inches). This resulted in the day being cut short by 1.6 microseconds, just under two millionths of a second.

Sources (Click link for full article):
Times of India

Video: The Tsunami


ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE JAPANESE GOVERMENT (directly translated from Japanese):
For Nuclear Emergency in Japan. Miracle has happened. There was no damage in a nuclear reactor by this explosion. Another miracle. Because an outer wall collapsed, they can coolwith seawater, and it's carried out already.

So there is no risk of another Chernobyl disaster. Thank goodness for that!

Get more news and resources from Google Crisis Response, including Message Boards, Transportation Status, Blackout Information, Useful Maps and Latest News.


CitizenTube Videos

YouTube's CitizenTube is a channel that collects eyewitness videos and puts them together in one playlist.
Watch their Japan playlist here:

CNN iReports

Watch iReports by CNN viewers who experienced the quake:

These images are shocking. Some people have said that they look like something out of a science-fiction movie.



200+ aftershocks reported, 900+ people dead.